Chanel to identify the authenticity of a few tips: 1.Chanel lamb leather smells Pippi packages and vehicles from the neat line on the check were genuine. 2. Chanel Bag Chanel purse on the security laser sticker number, and the warranty card to be consistent. 3. Lambskin and embossed leather, is by imitation Chanel bags two materials most frequently. Link Check whether CoCo classic package or packages, are very silky smooth feel, the metal parts do not scratch hands. 4. Chanel shaped bag itself is very pretty, no sense of collapse. Especially the small sheep, not only feel good, and there will be a taste of the original leather, fake sheepskin can not be produced with a small.
The most powerful authenticity of the points, is a Chanel bag in addition to the warranty card included, and the bag itself to print the same Item, the opened bag inside the bag, carefully to find the bottom, you will find a fluorescent anti-counterfeit stickers, warranty card The serial number and the serial number sticker on the same security is the real thing. Chanel handbag style simple and elegant, is the magic weapon with clothes, but worth a twenty MM prohibitive for many. So we must identify the pirates psychological, reproducing many fake Chanel handbags. Cortex: Most of the new chanel handbag is made with lambskin, leather darker, Ago Tugan. Chanel bags of stature are very stiff and will not have a sense of collapse. In particular, sheepskin bags, not only feel good, and there will be a taste of the original skin.
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